We have engaged the services of ame during one of our biggest refurbishment projects. Their knowledge, coupled with their professionalism is second to none. Having them on board for their invaluable & professional guidance gives us peace of mind, knowing that our people and our premises are well protected.
Geraldine GILFORD BetClic Group
AOSG Company Ltd, assigned ame health and safety for our site in Hal Far. In my three years of experience with them, they have given us a professional service. Their signage on-site was placed with all the information needed. I myself have learned from their very accurate reports. They have personally helped me to manage the project safer and better.
The health inspector was always very helpful to explain to me any mishaps on the site.
I would definitely recommend them.
Irene BonelloAOSG Company Ltd
This is to certify that SSM Group had the opportunity to work and collaborate with AME health and safety services ltd on training and different projects on a number of occasions. Quality and service age always our criteria and AME has always met this criteria. They have the knowledge, skills and eye for detail and it has added value to our collaborative projects. We believe AME is a leading provider in their sector and they continue to invest to be always on the edge, it's our great pleasure to work with AME and recommend their professional service.
Alex Borg SSM Group
Minn qalbi nixtieq nirringrazzjak tas-servizzi ta' sahha u sigurta li inti offrejtilna u tal-pariri siewja li tajtna qabel organizzajna l-lkla tal-Milied fil-Kurja tal-Arcisqof. Hu ta' inkoraggiment ghalina li jkollna persuni bhalek li joffru s-servizzi taghhom lilna. Grazzi li ghintna biex inkomplu nwettqu l-missjoni taghna. Filwaqt li nixtieqlek sena mimlija barkiet u sahha, inwieghduk it-talb taghna specjalment waqt il-quddiesa li jkollna ta' kull Gimgha li noffruha ghall-benefatturi taghna. Tislijiet mill-qalb
Alex Borg Caritas Malta
As a Council whenever we needed to conduct any risk assessments we always hired the services of AME as we know that whenever we needed them we were always satisfied with their reliability and efficiency.
As a Council we always recommend other Councils to use AME for their health and safety issues.
Mark Mallia - Executive SecretaryMdina Local Council
‘Having employed the services of ame since the start of my project, I can say it is a pleasure dealing with an efficient, meticulous and professional company in Malta. It is indeed a breath of fresh air to experience this level of service, and I thank them for the outstanding service provided’
Mathieu SalomonCamper & Nicholsons Marinas
The Covid risk assessment was carried out today. I appreciate that despite your heavy workload, you met our deadline.
Mr Paris was very professional and helpful.
We will surely recommend your services and look forward to working again with you in the future.
Marion Cutajar - Head Of SchoolSt Jeanne Antide College
ame health and Safety Services Ltd. was appointed as our Health and safety Consultant, to assist our team regarding health and safety measures that needed to be enhanced.
ame has fulfilled this role very professionally. Has provided a well detailed risk assessment and assisted in all necessities required to be in line with the Maltese Legislation in this regard. Unicept Data Ltd. is very satisfied with the result and therefore highly recommends ame Health and safety Services Ltd.
Manuel BonniciUnicept Data Ltd.