Public Events & Private Functions

Events which fall under this category include fund raising events, cultural and music festivals, town and religious festas, local council events, mass gatherings and all other events attended to by a considerable number of people either in an enclosed or open area. It is irrelevant whether the event is for a couple of hours or for a number of days – organizers must ensure that their Health & Safety obligations are being catered for.  

For example the organizers must take into account the following:

  1. Participation of young people as volunteers
  2. People with special needs
  3. Temporary structures
  4. Surrounding areas where activity is taking place (emergency routes)

Since 2019 ame has had the privilege of being the official health and safety consultant of choice for selected events organized under the auspices of His Excellency the President of Malta.

We can support you throughout and ensure that you are in full compliance with your legal obligations.


Organizers pre-schedule plan

As part of the event planning, H&S should always be on the agenda and documentation must always be readily available in the H&S file.  This includes:

  • Emergency Evacuation Planning & Procedures
  • Certifications
  • Preliminary meetings
  • Induction toolbox talks prior to activity
  • Handing over report 


Temporary structure work activity 

Before starting a temporary work activity the below reports must be prepared as well as communicated and supervised in particular where there are people under the age of 18 (young persons);

  • Risk assessment
  • Safety Management System
  • Toolbox talk
  • Certifications of training and competent personnel re structure, machinery etc.


The below is a non-exhaustive list of training required at law. You can find the whole list of courses that we offer here. If you have any specific course requirement, please contact us.